Aug 29, 2013

Woolen hen

By this time I will show you my knitted hen, the result of hours spent with needles.
That is the biggest stuffed toy that I have made since now. It has no plastic and sharp elements, only wool, wadding and some thread.

Can you believe that I was making this hen for 11 hours? I can't, more than half of this time I was knitting flounces, but it is not strange because each of it I started with more than 150 loops.

Height: 45 cm lying down, and 28 cm sitting.

Aug 28, 2013

Crochet course - chain and joining stitch

Today we will learn how to crochet chain and how to join stitches in circle.


You should have a slip stitch already done.
Grub the yarn over and pull it trough the loop. 
And this is single chain.
Let's do the next one.
Grub the yarn over and pull it trough the loop. 
And so on.
That's how a chain looks like.

Since we have a chain, we will join it in a circle with joining stitch.

Joining stitch.

Have a hook in a last loop or last stitch.

Now put your hook right to the first chain or top of a first stitch.
Grub the yarn over and pull it trough two loops.
Pull the stitch and we have a circle :)